Friday, June 17, 2011

Art Classes

Guess who got a scholarship to take summer art classes at the (somewhat) local art and design college? That's right. I did.

I sent in an application online a month and a half ago, along with some photos of some of my latest "work". Sadly, I can't say I got in because they were so impressed with my artistic talent... actually, they apparently never even got my application.

It had been sent to the wrong e-mail address. So how did I end up getting in? Well...

A couple of weeks went by after my teacher had forwarded it to the college, and I saw that someone else I knew on Facebook had posted about getting in. I waited a couple weeks more and as I didn't get anything I assumed that meant I hadn't gotten in. My teacher who had recommended me didn't give up as quickly as I did though, and kept telling me that it would come. Finally, a week ago, when I had nearly forgotten about it, she called and told me to call the school and check on my "enrollment status".

Humoring her, but feeling slightly embaressed, I called in. They checked the system and said that they had never recieved my application. I was put on the phone with the guy in charge of admissions. He double checked and also said that my application wasn't in their system. He then gave me his personal e-mail address and told me to re-send it to him. As kind as I found this, I knew that it was way past the deadline to apply for a scholarship, and that was the only way I could go. (These classes are expensive, man.) I said as much, "So, uh... I'm guessing it's too late to apply for a scholarship?" "No," he said. "Oh," I said surprised and slightly hopeful. "Yeah, no," He continued. "I'm giving you a scholarship."

My jaw dropped. "Are you serious??" I asked him. He said that he was, and told me to send it to him. I thanked him profusely before hanging up and dancing around the living room. When I called my teacher to tell her the news she told me to send it to her along with the e-address and she would forward it again. I did so, and waited for a confirmation e-mail.

One never came.

Finally I called, a couple days later, to double-check. They put me on the line with the same guy as before, and as embarrased as I was, I admitted that I was calling to make sure he had got my application this time. He said that he had, but that I was going to get my response via mail.

It was Friday.

It didn't come Saturday.

Or Monday.

Or Tuesday.

By Wednesday I was tempted to call again, but I didn't/

Thursday, I checked the mailbox, and there it was. A beautiful envelope from Laguna enclosing a welcome letter, a packet for both classes, and a supply sheet. Needless to say I screamed and hopped around.

I have a scholarship to both classes I wanted to take.

Fundamentals of Drawing, Monday-Thursday 9am-12pm
Fundamentals of Figure Drawing, Monday-Thursday 1pm-4pm

It all starts Monday, the 27th.

I am so excited.

This could change the way I do art.

This could direct where I go from here out career-wise.

This.... this is going to be good.

Now I just have to get my supplies. Thank God I got a scholarship, because I don't know how we'd be able to pay for both the classes themselves, and all the art supplies. Luckily these are just drawing classes, so I don't need to buy any expensive paints, colored pencils, or chalks. But there is still plenty to get even with just drawing.

Charcoal sticks, charcoal pencils, carbon pencils, white charcoal pencils, 3 different kinds of paper, kneadable erasers, blending stumps, a pencil extender, bull clips, an art bin, drawing board, and two different kinds of portfolio cases.

Here's hoping they all last the entire length of the class.

I really need to get a job.

This could really change the way I do art.

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