Monday, June 7, 2010

Owl City Love

Is it any surprise that it is Owl City that gets me out of my depressed "funk"? (to use a Glee-ism)

Oh my. I think I may be in love. With Adam Young. He has a blog now, and not only is it cleverly written, entertaining, and amusing, but it is also one of the best things I’ve ever read. It made me grin that goofy grin I have whenever I have a crush on someone. How can he be such a great writer? I mean, I’ve always loved his lyrics. Owl City’s songs are amazing, cleverly written, clean, genius. His Facebook/Twitter updates have never ceased to bring a smile to my face. And when I saw him live online this past Mother’s Day, performing in London, my heart soared. I’ve always assumed him to be shy, because I haven’t seen any serious photoshoots, interviews, or just general mass media of him, which is surprising as he became so famous so fast. But on stage, in front of a thrilled audience, he transformed. Instead of shrinking away from the crowd, he was fueled by their energy and danced around the stage in a Jack Sparrow-like manor powered by his almost-drunk amusement at knowing that people all over the world were watching him. He went between the mic, his guitar, and keyboard at different times during his performances and between songs he would routinely ask the crowd if they were having as much fun as he was. And that’s what he honestly looked like he was doing: having fun. That’s the way it should be. He has a cute genuineness to him. All of what he does is G-rated, cleverly written, goodness. Adam Young if you’re out there and still single, you need to come to Southern California again soon. After you enjoy your summer that is. Hope that’s not too-stalkerish of me. Oh well.

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