Thursday, November 26, 2009

Hi again.

Well, I think we pulled off another good Thanksgiving. The house was clean, the food was great, and everyone got along. (mostly) Last night I saw Julie and Julia again, this time at the $3 theater by my house with my mom. It made me think of two things: of all the awesome food I'd be helping to make for Thanksgiving, and of how much I suck at blogging. Oh well.


Tonight I saw Where The Wild Things Are with my brothers at the same theater. Bizarre movie. Kinda cute. Kinda sad. Mostly strange. I liked the whole imaginative thing, and how cute the little boy was and his relationship with the monsters, but all in all you couldn't tell if they liked him and wanted him to help them(they made him king fyi), or if they were just waiting for him to screw up so they could eat him....

I've realized that there are some things you don't need to share with people. Some things you don't want to blog. For example, if you are feeling particularly sappy on a holiday, telling your friends of the opposite gender how much you appreciate them and etc isn't always the best idea. They tend to not know what to do with it. The best thing to do is generally to hold it in, (Unless you're a guy and this is your gal friends) and instead be all, Happy _____ dudes!
Much better idea.

Also, my mom (when she was mad at me today) told me that "it didn't really matter what I posted on the internet, people have their own posts and friends and don't care about that sort of thing. They care about friendly and confident people." I'm not entirely sure what I did that brought on this conversation, but she does have a point. At the moment I'm pretty friendless really. Sure, I have a bunch of people I know who I call my friends, and I see them every so often and talk to them online and etc., but real-true friends that really-truly care about me, and want to talk to me about my life and hang out and do real-true friend stuff? Yeah, I'm pretty short on those right now. That seems to be my undoing. Now, I'm not saying that none of my friends care about me or anything, they do. I do have a few friends that I talk to regularly online and who check in on me and cheer me up. But right now, I need to find more than that. I'm also not saying that I give up those friends, heck no. I want to keep them and spend more time with them too. But I need more friends who will spend time with me, and actually want to.

To be a friend, one has to be friend-ly. Funny that. I'm friendly enough. I think. But I'm also quiet. And unconfident. As Emma Pillsbury from Glee once said, "There is nothing sexier then confidence."
That's just my luck.

My lack of confidence in myself has led to ruining chances of friendships and relationships with people. So many times. So. Many. Times.

That has got to stop. Now.

Alright, so here's my challenge. I need confidence to Ha. Like that's ever going to happen. No, I need confidence to be friendly and make friends. So it seems I have my challenge. More of a quest really. A quest to find confidence in order to gain friends! Huzzah!

Wish me luck!
More later. I promise.


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