Monday, July 5, 2010

One of those "25 Things" notes all over Facebook

I did one, so I figured I might as well put it on here. So here are 25 random things about me.

1. I'm turning 19 in 2 days!

2. I love music. A lot. A lot a lot. I listen to all different types of genres and love singing and dancing along regardless as to whether or not I "can" sing/dance. :P

3. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with my life as of now.

4. I love to read. I'm a total bookworm. As for writing I always get ideas for books but I never seem to get past the second chapter...

5. Art is fun to do, but it also can be frustrating. I am my hardest judge.

6. In continuation with 6, I judge myself pretty harshly a lot of the time. :)

7. They say eyes are the windows to the soul. I love eyes. I find it really interesting to look at people's irises and see the different colors and patterns.

8. I can get a bit bipolar. At the slightest thing I can get myself all depressed or happy. Music helps.

9. I love nature: animals, trees, flowers, and the sky. I really love stars. Laying back and looking up at a night sky full of stars is one of the most awesome feelings in the world.

10. I am kind of afraid of the ocean. Well not the ocean per-say, but drowning or being eaten by something. (It's like a fear of heights, it's not a fear of heights, its a fear of falling :P)

11. I don't like being afraid or being cowardly of doing anything. Especially when I find out it wasn't that big of a deal in the first place. I get really mad at myself afterward.

12. I really want to travel someday. Especially to Europe.

13. I love the new church/youth group(s) I'm going to now. :)

14. I'm not so good at making new friends or talking to new people, but I think I'm getting better at it.

15. I'd really love to be in a musical someday.

16. I used to be terrified of roller coasters. I still am, but at least I can go on CA Screamin' now. :P

17. I actually enjoy Shakespeare. Mainly the comedies, but I also find parts of Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet hilarious.

18. I love romantic comedies AND action adventure movies. Everyone needs a little of both in their life. :)

19. I'm excited about whatever is coming next in life..

20. I don't like being treated like I'm too young or too naive to understand things. I also hate being ignored.

21. I have a huge scar from my surgery on my back that really doesn't bug me anymore.

22. I find it so much safer to crush on fictional/famous people than friends, but I can't help it sometimes.

23. It'd be cool to actually finish learning an instrument as I only started violin and piano and never really got anywhere with it.

24. Falling in love sounds like an awfully scary and wonderful adventure. :)

25. I pace when I'm on the phone or deep in thought. It helps me somehow I guess :P

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