Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It's been so long!

A family friend, David, is over right now and is watching stupid videos with my brothers in the living room so I decided to take the opportunity to come and write some more.

I've been going to both the high school and college groups at my church as I'm in that "in between stage" and so I'm going to High School "Retreat" in Big Bear tomorrow! I am super psyched. Like 25 kids and young adults are going to be squishing into one cabin so it should be interesting! Ahem.

I've been hanging out with friends, going to church a lot, crushing on a certain someone like mad, and just having a lazy but good summer.

The same day we go off to Big Bear my mom is being flown out to NYC to visit her sisters and celebrate her birthday. I am very happy for her but also insanely jealous. Although I'm sure camp will be just as fun... right?

We get back from Big Bear on the first of August and my mom gets back the next day and then my family and I go up to Northern CA for a sort of family vacation on the 6th to the 16th. (Also to celebrate my mom's bday which is the 15th) We'll be going to Redding but stopping in San Fransisco (woot-woot) and once in Redding we'll be see some of the Redwoods and my parents are going to be going to this school of ministry up at this major church called Bethel. My brothers and I will be able to see the campus and all but as we're not going to the conference/school we can just chill at the hotel or go sight seeing on our own. Apparently there's a water park near by. That should be fun... I've never been to a water park.

Okay... now they are watching weird as heck Japanese game shows. I am blasting music so I don't have to hear it. So freaking weird.

Well I guess that's all I really have to say for now. David's going with me to check out my college group tonight which should be interesting. I love college group. A lot. *cough*

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