Sunday, August 9, 2009

Dinosaurs, Church, and Thirteen year olds.

Well today I got to teach a class in Sunday School at my church on Dinosaurs, and the sixth day of creation, oh and was asked out.
No I don't mean by one of the kids in Sunday School, but that's pretty close...

After church one of the guys at my church sat down next to me after the service and asked me to be his girlfriend. Simple as that, no flirting, or games, or anything stupid like that. I was surprised, and flattered, but there was one little problem... he's thirteen years old. I tried explaining the fact that I'm five years older then him and that I didn't see how we could work out.. and he countered that with the fact that he's taller then me.... not cool man, not cool.
Needless to say, I delicately turned him down and when he finally gave up he walked away without another word.. (Not looking that sad or discouraged actually.. good on him) Seeing as how that's the only "offer" I've had...ever... I almost wonder if I should reconsider...kidding.
...Or am I?

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