Monday, August 10, 2009

Turkish Friends, and Vacations

Well, I got a message from my good friend Derin from Turkey today, (he's half Turkish, and lives here in SoCal most of the year but he and his parents go to Istanbul every summer) he's coming home on Wednesday! I'm excited to see him again, and his message was very entertaining and mentioned us and the rest of the gang hanging out the night of his return... sadly I have driving school that night, and I leave for my family's mini vacation of our own Thursday. :/ Sad day. We still don't know how long we'll be gone, could be anywhere from until Saturday to Monday. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy spending time with my family, and the idea of a mini vacation (to who knows where) sounds fun... but I live with my family 24/7, and I haven't seen Derin since June. :/

Oh well, I explained the whole situation to him and he said not to worry and that we'd see eachother eventually, which is true... but yeah, still bummed about not seeing him with the rest of the gang at either In-N-Out or Chipoltle (Two of his fav restaurants, neither that are available in Turkey) cause I know it'll be a fun time. I know what you're thinking, patience is a virtue, spend time with your family, don't feel sorry for yourself, and yadayadayada. :P I know, I know, I'll enjoy my trip as it is, and see Derin when I get back, happy? Besides, once he's back in the states we can text again ;)
-Lauren out-

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