Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Party Time!

Well, although my 18th birthday was more than a month ago, my parents couldn't seem to fit a party in until 2 weeks(ish) from now. I sent out invites to my friends a week or so ago, but now I am having trouble deciding what the general theme/(thing everyone does) should be. The people coming range from 14 years of age-middle age adults. (although most of the guests are 16-20)

I like the idea of having stringing lights/stars and streamers, but that's about all I can figure out at the moment..

Dancing would be amazingly fun, but I'm not sure if I could get that to work out, I mean the backyard is big enough I suppose, but as to having the right music or dj (is it too late to get one of those anyway? I have no idea..) is just, bleh.. besides, I'm unsure as to whether or not my friends would dance or not.. :/ It's something I enjoy, but if none of my guests (AKA: Friends) are dancing then..what fun is that? Also I can't come up with any ideas for games, or if we should or shouldn't watch a movie, and what food we should have or whatever... I'm helpless!

I usually enjoy planning this kind of thing, but I'm kind of freaking out over the fact that I'm mixing different groups of friends, and over the whole my-house-isn't-very-big issue. *sigh*
If anyone out there is reading this... do YOU have an idea? ( I did just message some people for ideas, but believe me, I can use all the help I can get. )
More packing-Lauren out!

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