Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Here it goes..

Well, I finally got my party pretty much figured out, and it looks like I have allot of help from my friends so that's cool. More on that later.
Tonight was driver's training again, and because of that I missed my friend's return from Turkey (see earlier post) Oh well, we'll see eachother eventually.

I'm kinda ticked about stuff right now, which isn't exactly a vacationing mood, I mean considering that we're going to San Diego tomorrow. Agh...oh well.. we have to get up like at 5 or something ridiculous like that because my parents had the idea for us to take a bus tour of San Diego sometime in the morning, so we have to be there in time.. Blech.
Oh well, I'll write more perhaps on Saturday when we come back to home base before going out again until Monday. *sigh*

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Party Time!

Well, although my 18th birthday was more than a month ago, my parents couldn't seem to fit a party in until 2 weeks(ish) from now. I sent out invites to my friends a week or so ago, but now I am having trouble deciding what the general theme/(thing everyone does) should be. The people coming range from 14 years of age-middle age adults. (although most of the guests are 16-20)

I like the idea of having stringing lights/stars and streamers, but that's about all I can figure out at the moment..

Dancing would be amazingly fun, but I'm not sure if I could get that to work out, I mean the backyard is big enough I suppose, but as to having the right music or dj (is it too late to get one of those anyway? I have no idea..) is just, bleh.. besides, I'm unsure as to whether or not my friends would dance or not.. :/ It's something I enjoy, but if none of my guests (AKA: Friends) are dancing then..what fun is that? Also I can't come up with any ideas for games, or if we should or shouldn't watch a movie, and what food we should have or whatever... I'm helpless!

I usually enjoy planning this kind of thing, but I'm kind of freaking out over the fact that I'm mixing different groups of friends, and over the whole my-house-isn't-very-big issue. *sigh*
If anyone out there is reading this... do YOU have an idea? ( I did just message some people for ideas, but believe me, I can use all the help I can get. )
More packing-Lauren out!

Up, and SanDiego

Last night I went with 2 of my friends to see Disney's Up at a nearby $3 theater. It was fun, I like that movie. Afterwards we went to Jack-In-The-Box and got food (None of us got snacks during the movie, and everyone's popcorn began to smell really good...) All in all it was a good night.

This morning my dad told me that he and my mom finally decided where we're going for our mini-vacation on Thursday. San Diego it is. San Fran. was too far for this time, and we decided against camping, so my mom thought San Diego would be fun, and seeing as how we never go it should be. Hopefully we can go to the Zoo and maybe Sea World. :)
Well that's all for now-gotta pack... ta-ta!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Turkish Friends, and Vacations

Well, I got a message from my good friend Derin from Turkey today, (he's half Turkish, and lives here in SoCal most of the year but he and his parents go to Istanbul every summer) he's coming home on Wednesday! I'm excited to see him again, and his message was very entertaining and mentioned us and the rest of the gang hanging out the night of his return... sadly I have driving school that night, and I leave for my family's mini vacation of our own Thursday. :/ Sad day. We still don't know how long we'll be gone, could be anywhere from until Saturday to Monday. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy spending time with my family, and the idea of a mini vacation (to who knows where) sounds fun... but I live with my family 24/7, and I haven't seen Derin since June. :/

Oh well, I explained the whole situation to him and he said not to worry and that we'd see eachother eventually, which is true... but yeah, still bummed about not seeing him with the rest of the gang at either In-N-Out or Chipoltle (Two of his fav restaurants, neither that are available in Turkey) cause I know it'll be a fun time. I know what you're thinking, patience is a virtue, spend time with your family, don't feel sorry for yourself, and yadayadayada. :P I know, I know, I'll enjoy my trip as it is, and see Derin when I get back, happy? Besides, once he's back in the states we can text again ;)
-Lauren out-

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Dinosaurs, Church, and Thirteen year olds.

Well today I got to teach a class in Sunday School at my church on Dinosaurs, and the sixth day of creation, oh and was asked out.
No I don't mean by one of the kids in Sunday School, but that's pretty close...

After church one of the guys at my church sat down next to me after the service and asked me to be his girlfriend. Simple as that, no flirting, or games, or anything stupid like that. I was surprised, and flattered, but there was one little problem... he's thirteen years old. I tried explaining the fact that I'm five years older then him and that I didn't see how we could work out.. and he countered that with the fact that he's taller then me.... not cool man, not cool.
Needless to say, I delicately turned him down and when he finally gave up he walked away without another word.. (Not looking that sad or discouraged actually.. good on him) Seeing as how that's the only "offer" I've had...ever... I almost wonder if I should reconsider...kidding.
...Or am I?

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Don't give up on love?

Oh look, I have a place to write down my feelings...thats...nice...
Talked, listened to conversations about, and thought about love allot lately. Sometimes I wonder about it, about if it's even worth thinking about yet? I mean, I don't want to ruin any friendships of mine trying to find it, and well that hasn't worked out so far anyways, so what's the point? (I'm not usually this "emo" just kinda depressed a bit now) so yeah, I may even change my mind tomorrow (cause thats the way I work...) but for now I'm done with it. Doesn't mean I'm giving up on love itself (thats for you Nolan ;P) but I mean that I'm done looking for it.. it's about time it started looking for me. ;P Well that's all for now, I'd better go to bed, get to teach sunday school tomorrow, yipee! (hear the sarcasm?) Goodnight!

I'm starting a blog! (Oxymoron? Yes..)

Well, here we are. I can't seem to keep a darn diary, but after seeing "Julie and Julia" I decided to try and challenge myself to instead blog about life, for a year. Is it nearly as exciting as following Julia Child's cookbook for a year? eh, maybe not. But it's my life, and if you want to follow it, then by all means, that what this thing is for, right? So here goes nothing!